November 16th-Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center Presents Jonathan Sadowsky, Ph.D.
"Beyond the Metaphor of the Pendulum: Electroconvulsive Therapy, Psychoanalysis, and the Styles of American Psychiatry"
Jonathan Sadowsky is the Theodore Castele Professor of Medical History and History Department Chair at Case Western Reserve University. He holds History degrees from Wesleyan, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins, and he studied psychiatric epidemiology at Columbia University. His book about the social history of mental illness in Nigeria was published by the University of California Press. His presentation about the early reception of electroconvulsive therapy by psychoanalysts is part of a larger work in progress about the history of ECT in America.
- Date: Friday Evening, November 16, 2012
- Reception: 6:00 -- 7:00 p.m.
- Time: 7:00 -- 8:30 p.m.
- Location: Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center
- RSVP: Please reserve by calling (216) 229-5959, or email: