Training for a new cohort of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program (PPP) will begin in January 2012.
Applications are being accepted now and are available on the
website. Or, call (216) 548-0523 for information. PPP’s educational goals are to apply psychodynamic principles to clarify clinical problems, define therapeutic goals and guide interventions in the clinician’s practice of psychotherapy. The program provides the opportunity for the intensive study of human development (from childhood to older adulthood), combined with the study of the theory and technique of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Didactic seminars and individual clinical supervision are the avenues through which these educational goals are achieved.
Program FormatThe two-year, four-semester course of study consists of weekly seminars (30 per program year). Reading selections cover the fundamentals of psychodynamic literature. At intervals, students present their clinical work in seminars with child and adult psychoanalysts. Students also arrange for private, individual clinical supervision with a practicing psychoanalyst, to be conducted in most cases in the psychoanalyst’s office. A minimum of 30 hours of supervision per program year is required.PPP meets on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Center. Class size is limited to foster discussion of clinical material and focused learning. Upon graduation from four semesters of study and supervised work, participants receive a certificate of completion.
CurriculumFirst YearPsychodynamic TheoryDevelopment: Infancy and Early ChildhoodTechnique: Theory and PracticeGender and Sexuality IssuesMind-Brain ConnectionsUnderstanding Freud’s CasesIncludes Case Conferences
Second YearDevelopment: Latency, Adolescence, Adulthood, Old AgeChild AssessmentContemporary Psychodynamic TheoriesFurther Psychotherapeutic TechniquePsycho-pharmacologySpecial Treatment Issues and Difficult CasesFamily IssuesEthicsTerminating PsychotherapyIncludes Case Conferences Complete information on eligibility, faculty, and applications are available at
https://psychoanalysiscleveland.org/education-and-training/psychoanalytic-psychotherapy-program/ Prospective students should complete, print, and mail the PPP
Application Form to: Deborah Morse, Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center, 2460 Fairmount Blvd., Suite 312, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106 or email it to dmorsecpc@sbcglobal.net.Submitted by Karen Wallis, PPP Coordinator