New Books – Winter 2018
Revolution in mind: the creation of psychoanalysis by George Makari. BF173.M35652 2008

Books From DonationsThe origins of attachment: infant research and adult treatment by Beatrice Beebe. RJ507.A77 B433 2014Learning disabilities and psychic conflict: a psychoanalytic casebook by Arden Rothstein. RJ506.L4 R65 1999 (Denia Barrett is co-author)Imagination and medicine: the future of healing in an age of neuroscience. by Stephen Aizenstat BF161.A59 2009Freud's Megalomania by Israel Rosenfield. PS3568.O8176 F73 2000Psychotherapy for better or worse: the problem of negative effects by Hans H. Strupp. RC480.5.S77Mentalization-based treatment for personality disorders: a practical guide by Anthony Bateman. RC554.B385 2016Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice by Anthony Bateman. RC480.5.H2766 2012Mentalization: theoretical considerations, research findings, and clinical implications by Fredric Busch. RC506.M46 2008