New Books in the CPC Library - Winter 2017
Bion , Wilfred R. Transformations: Change From Learning To Growth. London: Tavistock, 1965. RC504.B56 1965First published in 1965 this book is the continuation of Bion's investigation of various aspects of psychoanalytic theory and practice. He examines the way in which an analyst's description of the analytic experience necessarily transforms it, in order to effect an interpretation. Publisher’s DescriptionHomayounpour , Gohar. Doing Psychoanalysis in Tehran. MIT Press. RC480.5 .H626 2012 "In Doing Psychoanalysis in Tehran Gohar Homayounpour puts Iran on the couch: through her eyes and ears the reader will discover an extraordinarily rich, complex, and sophisticated culture, inhabited by famous artists, passionate intellectuals, bored socialites, and even ordinary neurotics. This masterful book -- beautifully written and eloquently narrated -- will even fulfill the ultimate fantasy: to eavesdrop into the analyst's consulting room." --Ruben Gallo, author of Freud's Mexico.Jacobs, Theodore J. The Use of the Self: Countertransference and Communication in the Analytic Situation. IUP, 1993. RC506.J33 1993The issue of countertransference as it manifests itself in both subtle and overt forms is dealt with extensively, but the author does not confine himself to this issue. Attention is also concentrated on the larger question of the psychology of the analyst at work and its interaction with that of the patient. Publishers DescriptionJunkers, Gabriele. The Empty Couch : The Taboo Of Ageing And Retirement In Psychoanalysis. NY: Routledge, 2013. BF173.E638 2013The Empty Couch is an introduction to the challenges and obstacles inherent in ageing as a psychoanalyst. It addresses the previously neglected issue of ill health, as well as the significance of ageing for psychoanalysts, exploring the analyst’s attitude towards getting older, impermanence and sense of time and space. Publisher’s Description
Kahr , Brett. Tea with Winnicott. London : Karnac Books, 2016. BF109.W55 K35 2016Professor Brett Kahr, an award-winning biographer and scholar of long-standing, has resurrected Donald Woods Winnicott from the dead and has invited him for a memorable cup of tea at 87 Chester Square – Winnicott’s London residence – in which the two men discuss Winnicott’s life and work in compelling detail. After digesting Kahr’s highly accessible “posthumous interview” with Winnicott, readers will have come to acquire a thorough overview of Winnicott’s corpus of writings, and will appreciate the historical context in which he scripted his pioneering psychoanalytical contributions. Publisher’s DescriptionLear, Jonathan. Wisdom Won From Illness : Essays In Philosophy And Psychoanalysis. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2017. BF175.4.P45 L434 2017
Wisdom Won from Illness illuminates the role of literature in shaping ethical thought about nonrational aspects of the mind, offering rich readings of Shakespeare, Kierkegaard, J. M. Coetzee, Marilynne Robinson, and others. Publishers DescriptionPender. Vivian B. The Status of Women : Violence, Identity, and Activism. London : Karnac Books Ltd, 2017. HQ1206.S73 2017CPC member, Vera Camden, Ph.D. contributed chapter 3, "Pure Heroines On Campus: New Wave Feminism And Popular Culture.”Sherkow, Susan P. and Alexandra M. Harrison. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Perspectives from Psychoanalysis. Jason Aronson, 2014. RJ51.D48 S54 2014“Drawing on extensive evidence from the fields of genetics and neuroscience, as well as in-depth clinical material, the authors show how a clinician can set these children on healthy developmental paths by supporting parents’ efforts to find meaning in their children’s behavior.” Claudia M. Gold, MD You can search for additional titles using the CPC Library catalog here.