News From the CPC Annual Meeting
The Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center held its Annual Meeting June 21st, and it was a wonderful opportunity to catch up on changes, events, and activities. After the opening welcome by Victoria Vermes, President of the Board of Trustees, there were three very informative presentations by members.The first was a presentation by Candidate Danielle Dronet of an outreach initiative known as “Siggy’s Village,” in the Cleveland neighborhood of Collinwood. “Siggy’s Village,” is a community garden with a market, and a recreation and therapeutic center where the goal is to work with local community agencies and schools to introduce psychoanalytic ideas and therapy to adults, children and families. Siggy’s Village was written about in the January 2016 Candidate Connection, the theme of which is “Psychoanalysis in the Neighborhood.”Dr. Vera Camden and Candidate Valentino Zullo updated everyone on the progress of the upcoming Wonder Woman Symposium, and gave us some background on the origin of Wonder Woman and her role as a feminist icon. Her creator, William Moulton Marston expressed that his intention in 1941was to create a new woman who would be empowered to take on the leadership of the world and deliver it to peace. The symposium will be September 22-24, 2016 at the Cleveland Public Library. The Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center is a partnering sponsor with the Ohio Humanities Council, Kent State University, the Baker Nord Foundation and the Friends of the Cleveland Public Library.Next members learned of ongoing structural changes at APsaA and what these changes might mean to the various institutes and member organizations, including our own. Dr. Richard Lightbody, APsaA Councilor, presented a glossary of changes to the regulation of psychoanalytic education, standards, and accreditation. Dr. Drew Clemens, chair of the APsaA by-laws committee and Dr. Kay McKenzie, member of the American Board of Psychoanalysis, contributed to the discussion.
Finally, the head of our program committee, Catherine Sullivan, reported on scheduled events through May 2017, and stated that our Visiting Scholar Weekend will again be with Virginia Ungar, M.D. Event details are available from our online calendar or our Facebook page.