Research To Support Psychotherapy

 pillsWe would like to call your attention to an article that was published in the New York Times on July 17, 2015. “Psychiatry’s Identity Crisis” calls for more research into the efficacy of psychotherapy as a treatment for common psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety disorders. The author, psychiatrist Richard A. Friedman, points out that neuroscience research, while exciting and valuable, has not lead to corresponding advances in medications and that more research should be directed to the efficacy of psychotherapeutic methods.  In addition, Friedman cites a recent study showing that patients prefer psychotherapy over medications. You can read the full text of this opinion article by clicking on the title above. The following quote sums up the author’s message.

“…………the fact that all feelings, thoughts and behavior require brain activity to happen does not mean that the only or best way to change — or understand — them is with medicine.”

 We would agree. Basic research on treatment for mental illness should include more funding of psychotherapy clinical trials. 


Research To Support Psychotherapy


Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center Essay Prize