Dr. Adele Tutter Wins Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center's 2012 Essay Contest

The Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center’s Essay Prize Committee announces with pleasure that the Center’s prize for 2012 is awarded to Dr. Adele Tutter for her essay “Notes on art, loss, and nationalism: Josef Sudek – angel with a missing wing”. Photograph from the series, Windows of my studio.Sudek is considered the premier Czech photographer of the 20th century. Dr. Tutter’s essay presents, feelingfully, and with keen psychoanalytic grounding, his use of his work in part to manage a complex group of losses – of his parents, his arm, and his personal, city’s and country’s autonomy.  She demonstrates this understanding in her narrative and in a series of Sudek’s photographs that carry great impact.Dr. Tutter will present her paper at a meeting of the Center, at which time she will receive her $1000 prize.  The Center’s Program Committee will announce event details shortly.The prize is funded by Drs. Anna and Thomas Janicki. 


Workshop on the Ripple Effect


Dr. Adele Tutter Wins Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center's 2012 Essay Contest