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Oedipus and Anti-Oedipus: On the Circularity of a Myth

A Scientific Meeting Presented by Prof. Dr. med. Lutz Goetzmann

Event Price: Event is free. Optional CE fee is $10.

Continued Education (CEU/CME): 1.5 credits

Attendance: Virtual event via Zoom Meeting

Course Description:
In this presentation, I will present theoretically the three stages of the Oedipus complex according to Freud and Lacan. A clinical discussion will follow this. With regard to the first phallic-imaginary stage, I will make references to Laplanche's seduction theory, particularly with regard to the attribution of gender identity. I will also introduce a preliminary traumatic stage and link this with two considerations: on the one hand, the anti-Oedipal desiring-machines (Deleuze and Guattari) and, on the other hand, the idea of ​​dédoublement (Danielle Quinodoz). This presentation concludes with the various fates of the Oedipus complex (shown graphically as a line, loop, or semi-circular garland).  

Learning Objectives: 

1. Discuss the theoretical foundations of the Oedipus complex, as well as some critiques of this concept. 

2. Apply this knowledge clinically (e.g., by interpretations). 

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Surface Illusions: Reading the Manifest and Latent in Asian Painting

May 30

Poetry and Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique