Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center

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To the Board & Members of the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center

gavel As president of CPC,  in collaboration with the Governance Committee, I  am calling for a special meeting of our membership on April 13th at 6:30 PM at the Center.  We will take a vote to amend the section of the by-laws that regulates the term limit of our board members.  Presently, each member is limited to two, three year terms.  As our membership numbers are modest, we are proposing that a third term is added to anyone wishing to stay on, thus allowing our board members to stay on another three years.  Our attorney has been consulted; we need a simple majority vote to confirm this important change.

With my best wishes on this beautiful Spring-like day, I thank you for your consideration.Most sincerely,                                             Victoria Vermes

SECTION           3.5.           Term of Office.

A regular term of office shall be for three (3) years beginning and ending at the annual meeting of members.  The terms of directors should be staggered so that no more than one-third (1/3) of the Board of Directors is elected at the annual meeting in any year. A director who has served for a continuous period of five (5) nine (9) or more years is not eligible for election to an additional term until that director has been off the board for at least one year.