Invitation to Medical Humanities and Social Medicine Reading Group
CPC members have received an invitation from Jonathon Sadowsky, History Department, and Eileen Anderson-Fye, Anthropology Department, Case Western Reserve University to participate in a reading group in medical humanities and social medicine. The plan is to create a monthly forum for discussion of shared interests, using article-length pieces to launch the discussion. The first meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 25, from 3:30-5:00, in the Zverina Room in the Allen Library. There will be some refreshments. We also hope to build on this group for other programmatic initiatives at the university.Virginia Woolf’s "On Being Ill," a classic text, has been chosen for the first meeting. (Click on the title for full text. It may load slowly) Future meetings will feature discussions of new and cutting edge work, as well as works-in-progress by participants.This is an open group, so feel free to forward to others you think might be interested.