Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center

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Meeting With Dr. Vamik Volkan

Dr. Vamik VolkanDr. Vamin Volkan, who is speaking at the Union Club on Friday evening, October 14th, will meet with the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center and Hanna Perkins candidates, members, Friends, and PPP graduates in the Center library Saturday October 15, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.Dr. Volkan has worked in many countries bringing various “enemy” representatives together for unofficial dialogues.  He is the recipient of several awards including the Sigmund Freud Award given by the city of Vienna in collaboration with the World Council of Psychotherapy.  He has authored and co-authored 42 books and has published more than 400 scientific papers.His talk on Friday night, “Killing in the Name of Identity: 9/11 and Other Massive Traumas,” will be presented at the Union Club and is co-sponsored by the CPC and the Cleveland Council on World Affairs.Please call 216-229-5959 for further information.